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GoSmart Precision Farming

supplies the fish farmer with

new cutting-edge

AI technology. 

A complete set-up of tools 

that simplifies the analysis of necessary data to manage fish farming in a more accurate and cost-efficient manner.


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GoSmart Precision Farming is a high-tech engineering company, specialized in aquaculture development , offering a range of tools for smart fish farming.

We prioritize environmental impact by reducing carbon footprints, minimizing food waste and costs, increasing resources, providing optimal farming performance and yield.  

A fully integrated online system, providing continuous necessary data for optimal farming performance. 

GoSmart offers an all-in-one online integrated solution - the only tool with real-time monitoring for any kind of fish species and farming methods (cages, ponds, RAS).  


The system consists of three major technological components:


  • BEC – Biomass Estimation Camera

  • Control Box

  • Software Web Application


The underwater camera unit - BEC is equipped with several sensors (Oxygen, Temperature)  that collect necessary data and transfer it to the Control Box managed via GoSmart Software, which is an analyzing tool supplying the farmer with essential information

to easily monitor the livestock for better yield and performance.


From traditional experience-based fish farming to a knowledge-based production regime in a few easy steps. Our automated system for optimal farming performance enables big and small fish farmers to


  • Save on costs

  • Increase fish production

  • Reduce manpower and time consumption

  • Connect online – Anywhere, Anytime

  • Live-streaming

  • Cloud service

  • Suitable for any species

  • Suitable for inland, sheltered sites, and open sea farms. 

GoSmart Solutions

The Biomass estimation camera

is a low price, highly resistant camera suitable for all weather conditions and farming operations, including offshore operations, reaching a water depth of 60m and more.

It calculates the accurate fish weight in addition to the distribution of cage population. Together with the integrated oxygen and temperature sensors, it provides the farmer with the optimal information necessary for the correct daily feeding calculation.


In addition, it has the ability to connect directly to the feeding boat/center of operations in real-time, to have live observation during the feeding task. The system is designed to operate at all weather conditions without any human interference, running on solar energy, and can be controlled remotely via a user-friendly web application. Alongside the system supplied, we provide cloud data services and complimentary management software.

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GO Smart® software is a web user-friendly application with the ability to view and edit data anywhere, anytime. Its flexibility enables the user to self-update real-time data or to be directly updated by             GiliSenense® technology via the biomass camera, feeding camera, dead fish counter, or other sensors, such as

dissolved oxygen and water temperature. The user can view fish FCR, SGR, and historical performance, in colorful and clear graphics, with a wide range selection of built-in reports. The software is suitable for any mobile device connected to the internet.

Precision Fish Farming
Big Data
Remote Use
Real Time
Low Cost
Artificial Intelligence 
One Unit per Cage
Online Tracking


​​By using our sensors as continuous monitoring tools we can also reduce stress and mortality among fish and therefore reduce the use of antibiotics, water pollution (antibiotics, overfeeding) and produce a healthier protein to the market and population.


As our system optimizes the usage of feed, we reduce the waste of energy consumed for protein production.

Yossi Melchner, CEO 

We are motivated by the passion to create a more environmental, efficient and friendly source of high-quality protein by improving the source of data supplied to the aquaculture industry and fish farmers.

Avi Bar-Shalom CSO
Our goal is to bring the top cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Big Data, Cloud services, and Machine Learning, to the aquaculture industry.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement.  - SME Phase 2 Winner

No 683610

Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development - Startup competition choice

Israel Innovation Authority - Pilot Support Track choice 

Fish 2.0 Qualified Business - One of the “Fish 2.0 Forty”
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